Intech Funding

Intech Funding Corp, a leading provider of equipment financing solutions, embodies a legacy of reliability and innovation in the realm of financial services. With a track record of empowering businesses across diverse industries, Intech Funding Corp has established itself as a trusted partner for companies seeking flexible and tailored financing options. Led by seasoned professionals like Chuck Farmer, Vice President, Intech Funding Corp combines expertise with personalized service to deliver financing solutions that drive growth and success.

At TRAK Machine Tools, we understand the pivotal role that financing plays in enabling businesses to invest in advanced machining technology. That's why we proudly collaborate with Intech Funding Corp to provide our customers with access to flexible financing options that align with their unique needs and goals. Whether it's leasing programs, equipment financing, or customized solutions, Intech Funding Corp offers the financial resources necessary to support our customers' growth and innovation initiatives.

Our partnership with Intech Funding Corp goes beyond just financial transactions. The team at Intech Funding Corp shares our commitment to customer success and is dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support throughout the financing process. By leveraging their expertise and industry insights, we ensure that our customers can make informed decisions that drive value and maximize the return on their investment in machining technology.

Together, TRAK Machine Tools and Intech Funding Corp are committed to empowering businesses to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Through collaboration, innovation, and personalized service, we enable our customers to achieve their goals and unlock new opportunities for growth and success. With Intech Funding Corp by our side, we're confident in our ability to deliver exceptional value and service to our customers, now and in the future.

Intech Funding supports and attends various TRAK events throughout the year.