Your program may be feeding into the control faster than the machine can perform the functions.  This is generally caused by high feed rates over a small distance.  To resolve this you can either lower the feed rate or change the length of the moves in your CAM or GCD program.

Check the Tool Offset.  Chances are, the display is showing a negative number equal to your tool radius because you programmed Tool Left for the offset on the facing operation.  Remember, when using Tool Offsets, the offset for Facing and Boring operations is Tool Right.  OD Turning towards the chuck is Tool Left.

Call your CAM retailer, distributor, or manufacturer.  The PT uses a common type of postprocessor based on Fanuc 6.   Our control works with defined inputs that are handled by the postprocessor.  The CAM side is the more complex side, therefore, the CAM producer is the only company qualified to handle their output.

The machine is more than likely looking for spindle encoder feedback.  Make sure you have the most current software by going to Software Downloads.  If the problem persists, contact the Service Department.

Press the X, Y, or Z key, then press INC/ABS.  This changes each individual axis from INC to ABS (or vice-versa).  Now, all three axes should read INC or ABS.  Actually, that’s how you got there in the first place.

The Simple Answer:


The SX control system can process data much faster than the servo drives can execute the data instructions.  The result is the drives are never forced to wait on the control for more data (no drive shucking).

The Technical Explanation:


The maximum number of blocks/sec can vary on any control.  The defining factor is the baud rate (bits per second).  Baud rates vary between 2400/4800/9600 and 19200.  The faster the baud rate, the faster the flow of data.  The SX control uses 7 data bits (see next paragraph), 1 stop bit (ìstop bits are a way for a computer to "catch its breath" while sending or receiving data, while still letting the other end know that the connection is still there and is still valid; they're also used in error detection. Ref: www.powerbasic.com), Even parity (the parity checking mode in which each set of transmitted bits must have an even number of set bits. The parity checking system on the sending side ensures even parity by setting the extra parity bit if necessary) and full duplex (allows the sender and receiver to communicate back and forth, rather than one way communication).  Below is an indication on how you can calculate flow rate, based upon baud rate and data bits.

In a computer, each character is made up of a group of "bits", an abbreviation for binary digits. In many computers, each character contains 8 bits. When communicating via a serial link, a couple of additional bits are tacked on for various reasons. If a computer is transferring data to a CNC controller at a speed of 9600bps (bits per second) and each character requires 10 bits to transfer, then 960 characters per second can be sent down the wire. Seven bit character codes are also widely used, so the "divide by 10" method is slightly pessimistic for these. This is different from parallel communications, where each bit in a character has its own data path and the whole character gets sent in one shot. On PC's, printer ports use parallel methods and comm ports use serial methods.î  (Ref: http://www.nfrpartners.com)."

About 4200 PT type events (that includes events parsed from a CAM program); repeats count as one each time. 

There is no limit on number of G code events. 

Note:  Search edit maximum is 1000 events.

The limiting factor in regards to the size of pitch is the maximum feedrate of the Z axis.  On TRAK lathes, the maximum feedrate that you can attain is 150 ipm during threading.  To calculate the maximum pitch you can run, use the following formula.  Feedrate = RPM x Pitch x # of starts, where feedrate = 150 ipm   As you can see, the maximum pitch is inversely proportional to the RPM and # of starts.  In other words, as you increase the RPM or # of starts, the maximum pitch you can attain goes down.

For variable, you're doing successively smaller pecks each time, and the tool retracts to Z rapid each time. 

For fixed, the pecks are the same each time and are calculated: 

Z rapid + depth ÷ number of pecks. 

The chip break is identical to variable but the tool picks up only 0.020 between pecks.

The largest radius is 825 inches.  Values above this number will cause an error when trying to run the program.

Yes, you should install the latest version of the software on your ProtoTRAK. The software releases usually include enhancements that make the ProtoTRAK run better and sometimes even new features. Free updates to the most current version of you ProtoTRAK software are available on this website for download. See the Software Downloads section of the Support page.   For some control models, there are software options the will give your ProtoTRAK new capability. Please see our literature or specifications on this web page

"Our more recent controls are built on different Windows platforms, and as such they can be prone to the same annoyances that your regular desktop computer can encounter, one example being memory consumption.  Here are some tips to remember:

Drawing graphics on the screen consumes memory, so try running your program with the SHOW ABS mode instead of it drawing the graphics while running.

Remember to reboot your computer on a regular basis (at least once a week).  This refreshes the systemís memory.  If running large G-Code files, keep in mind that a floppy disk is not built for performance.  Use a different media type if your control has it, such as the hard drive, flash card, USB drive, or network port."

ELX = 1, otherwise 10 for all other lathe controls.

Our ProtoTRAKs use a formula called sum of the digits.  It calculates the depth of each peck by summing the number of pecks, dividing by the total and multiplying it by the total depth (Z rapid to Z end).  Please see the example below:

  • Using 4 variable pecks, the control will sum the number of pecks as follows: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 (if it was 5 pecks, it would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15).
  • It then divides 1/10, 2/10/, 3/10 and 4/10 ñ pecking more frequently as it drills deeper.
  • If the Z rapid is .100î and the Z end is -1.000î, the total depth is 1.100î.

The first peck will then be at -.440î from Z rapid (4/10 x 1.100î); the second peck will be -.330î deeper (3/10 x 1.100î) until the drill reaches Z end for the final peck.

IPM = IPR X RPM X number of flutes or inserts.

Go to DRO.  Make sure that the Tool # in the control matches the tool that you are using.  Touch the tool to the surface that is absolute zero, press Z and then ABS SET.  All tools will be reset.

In program in/out, select NO to the question "List supported programs only?"  Note the SMX and SLX need a network memory option to see files that do not have .MX2, .MX3,. .LX2, .LX3, .CAM, .GCD, .DXF, .DWG, or .PT4 extensions.

You can simply rename the file with either a .cam or .gcd extension, which is OK for single files, but a poor solution when you have a large number of files with different extensions.

If you have numerous old files with .dnc or .nc (or whatever) extensions, that are not currently supported with the SX control and you do not wish to rename them, you will need to have the Networking/Memory option.  This option (in addition to many other features) allows you to perform the following procedure:

Prior to the file import, set your reference position, tool diameters, length offsets and Z0 first.
List Supported Programs Only?   No (F2)   (The NO selection allows you to import any suitable G code file with any extension)
Open (F3)
Highlight the desired file (e.g.:  abc.nc)
Press TAB (F1) twice to move to the Open As section
Use Data Fwd (F2) until gcd is highlighted
Open File (F7)

Technically, you are now ready to cut the file.  Personally, I prefer to perform the following additional functions for safety, security, and visual assurance:

Toolpath (F2)

I can now view the toolpath in the sequence that the control will execute the G code data. I can also arrange and re-arrange the various view(s) to give myself additional assurance that this is going to run as desired. The last selected view will be displayed when you run the program.

Yes you do need an Ethernet crossover cable if you are using peer to peer networking, as suggested by SWI for our products.  These cables are very short and are designed for simple computer to computer hookups.  And yes, they are expensive.  However, if you go to www.blackbox.com and search for LB8505A-R2 from the top of the page, you will find an excellent product that looks like a hub containing between 4 and 20 ports, but it actually will accept a standard Ethernet cable and it will do the pin switching (transparent) for you to make a standard, inexpensive Ethernet cable work like an Ethernet crossover cable.  It's a no-brainer - just plug and go!  At the time of this writing (November 2007) The 4 port unit costs about $40 US which includes shipment, so it is a very reasonably priced product that will allow you to put in any kind of Ethernet cable

Yes.  Keep in mind that you are not changing the machine's inherent accuracy and repeatability.  Run Service Code 70 for 0.0002, code 68 for 0.0005.

No.  If your screen is becoming too dim to read, contact the Service Department for a replacement.  Have the model and serial number ready.

Yes.  Go to the Set-Up Mode, then Service Codes, and enter code 308, 309, or 310 to reverse handwheel direction for X, Y, and Z axes respectively.