You have a style. The work you do, the material you cut, the tooling you use. The ProtoTRAK RMX is the world's only CNC that you customize to your style. Setting Defaults makes programming even easier by loading your preferences as you program.
Once you select the event, your preferences are already there for you. If you’re mentoring someone who is new to the craft, you can set the Defaults to help your student work within the parameters you define.
You’re not stuck with the settings you make. You can easily change the preferences by entering another value at the prompt or tapping Options. If you wish to set a new Default, simply select the Defaults Info Key and enter the preference.
You don’t have to set every Default, we’ve set the most common ones here at the factory. If you choose, you can use Defaults to:
Your shop is a busy place, often with multiple users and different jobs being swapped in and out on the same machine. With profiles each user can set their own defaults or you can set up profiles for different types of cutting and for different materials.
TRAKing Pat gives a detailed explanation of these important features of the ProtoTRAK RMX CNC.