TRAK TRL 2470RX Toolroom Lathe Large capacity, rigidity and the versatility of the ProtoTRAK RLX CNC

Specifications for the TRAK TRL 2470RX Toolroom Lathe

  • Swing Over Bed: 24″
  • Distance Between Centers: 70″
  • Spindle Through Hole: 4.09″
  • Spindle Speed Range RPM: 40 - 670, 100 - 1,800

Key Features of the TRAK TRL 2470RX Toolroom Lathe

  • ProtoTRAK RLX CNC integrated into the machine at the factory
  • Manual or CNC operation
  • Electronic handwheels and jogstick
  • Brushless servo motors
  • Inverter-duty spindle drive
  • Programmable spindle speeds
  • Constant Surface Speed (CSS) Programming
  • Inch Per Revolution (IPR) Programming
  • Optional TRAKing® for manual control of CNC programs
  • Optional turret for automatic tool changes

Specifications All Machines

  1630RX 1630HS-RX 1845RX 2470RX 3060RX 30120RX


Height of Centers 8″ 8″ 9″ 12″ 16.5″ 16.5″
Distance between centers 30″ 30″ 45″ 70″ 60″ 118″
Swing over bed 16″ 16″ 18.1″ 24″ 33″ 33″
Swing Over Saddle Wings 16″ 16″ 17″ 24″ 33″ 33″
Length of Gap N/A N/A N/A N/A 15.5″ 15.5″
Swing Over Gap N/A N/A N/A N/A 43.5″ 43.5″
Swing Over Cross Slide 8.6″ 8.6″ 9.13″ 14.5″ 21.2″ 21.2″
Maximum Turning Length (Z Axis Travel) N/A N/A N/A N/A 60″ 121″
Cross Slide Travel 8.5″ 8.5″ 10.6″ 12.5″ 20.5″ 20.5″
Tool Section Max 3/4″ 3/4″ 1″ 1″ 1.5″ 1.5″
Coolant Reservoir Capacity 8 gal 8 gal 13 gal 15 gal 35.6 gal 48 gal
Oil Pump - Way Lubrication N/A 2 litros 2 litros 2 litros 2 litros 2 litros
Head Stock Lubrication - Type 1.5 gal 1.5 gal 1.85 gal 5.3 gal
6.3 gal w/oil cooler option
N/A 8.5 gal
Rapid Speeds 400 IPM on Z Axis
200 IPM on X Axis
400 IPM on Z Axis
200 IPM on X Axis
400 IPM on Z Axis
200 IPM on X Axis
400 IPM on Z Axis
200 IPM on X Axis
400 IPM on Z Axis
200 IPM on X Axis
400 IPM on Z Axis
200 IPM on X Axis


Width Of Bed 12.6″ 12.6″ 13.4″ 14.57″ 18″ 19.69″
Height Of Bed 12.6″ 12.6″ 12.4″ 15″ 15.75″ 18.7″


Spindle Nose D1-6 A2-4 D1-6 D1-8 A2-11 A2-11
Spindle Through Hole 2.12″ 1.57″ 2.36″ 4.09″ 6.30″ 6.30″
Spindle Taper MT#6 MT#5 MT#6 MT#8 Non MT taper Non MT taper
Taper In Reduction Sleeve N/A N/A MT#4 MT#5 MT#5 MT#5
Spindle Dia At Front Bearing 3.15″ 2.56″ 3.35″ 5.51″ 7.87″ 7.87″
Number Of Bearings 2 5 2 2 2 2
Number of Speeds or Ranges 1 1 2 2 2 2
Spindle Speed Range RPM 150 - 2,500 150 - 4,000 80 - 850, 250 - 2,500 40 - 670, 100 - 1,800 20 - 415, 40 - 1,300 20 - 415, 40 - 1,300
Spindle ID Thread (end of spindle) M56 x 2MM Pitch M56 x 2MM Pitch N/A N/A N/A N/A


Quill Travel 5.75″ 5.75″ 6″ 8.5″ 8″ 8″
Quill Diameter 2.36″ 2.36″ 2.56″ 3.5″ 4.13″ 4.13″
Quill Taper Hole MT#4 MT#4 MT#4 MT#5 MT#6 MT#6

Spindle Motor

Horsepower 7.5 HP 7.5 HP 10 HP 15 HP 30 HP 30 HP

Power Requirements - Machine

Voltage 200V to 240V 200V to 240V 200V to 240V 200V to 240V 480V +/- 10%
(432V to 528V)
480V +/- 10%
(432V to 528V)
Amps Full Load Current 44A 44A 54A 73A 62A 62A
Phase/Hz 3/60 3/60 3/60 3/60 3/60 3/60


Net (L x W x H), lbs. 82″ x 45″ x 72″
2,750 lbs
82″ x 45″ x 72″
2,750 lbs
88″ x 55″ x 70″
3,285 lbs
129″ x 84″ x 79″
6,500 lbs
150.31″ x 86.61″ x 88.25″
13,970 lbs
212.6″ x 86.61″ x 88.25″
18,920 lbs
Shipping (L x W x H), lbs. 87″ x 45″ x 70″
3,420 lbs
87″ x 45″ x 70″
3,500 lbs
91″ x 52″ x 79″
3,800 lbs
134″ x 65″ x 79″
7,500 lbs
162″ x 90.55″ x 96.25″
17,500 lbs
222.44″ x 90.55″ x 96.25″
21,000 lbs


Coolant Pump Motor HP* 1/8 HP 1/8 HP 1/8 HP 1/8 HP 1/4 HP 1/4 HP
Spindle Motor Brake Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Way Surface Hardness 400-450 HB 400-450 HB 480-560 HB 480-560 HB 480-560 HB 480-560 HB
Head Stock Lubrication - Type Oil Bath Grease Oil Bath Oil Bath Oil Bath Oil Bath


Tooling Kit 3/4″ 3/4″ 3/4″ or 1″ 1″ 1-1/4″ 1-1/4″
Chuck 8″, D1-6 6″, A2-4 8″, D1-6 12″, D1-8 20″, A2-11 20″, A2-11
5C Collet Closer D1-6 A2-4 D1-6 N/A N/A N/A
Turret Option 3/4″, 8 Position
3/4″, 4 Position
3/4″, 8 Position
3/4″, 4 Position
3/4″ or 1″, 8 Position
3/4″ or 1″, 4 Position
1″, 8 Position
1″, 4 Position
1″, 8 Position 1″, 8 Position
* Coolant pumps are optional equipment.


Machine Options

Coolant Pump

Coolant Pump

Coolant pump may be configured to operate as commanded by the Accessory Key on the ProtoTRAK RLX front panel.

LED Work Lamps

LED Work Lamps

For RX series lathes: one tube-style lamp mounted to the underside of the chip enclosure, and one swing arm lamp mounted on top of lathe.

Buck<sup>®</sup> Chuck

Buck® Chuck

Direct mounting, featuring separate top jaws and master jaws. Chucks offered for each model are rated from the maximum RPM of the lathe.

Lathe Chuck Through Hole
1630RX 8″ / D1-6 2.36″
1630HS-RX 6″ / A2-4 1.77″
1845RX 8″ / D1-6 2.36″
2470RX 12″ / D1-8 4.16″
3060RX 20″ / A2-11 7.48″
30120RX 20″ / A2-11 7.48″
8 Station Turret

8 Station Turret

TRAK CNC turrets are designed, engineered and manufactured at our corporate headquarters in Southern California.

Lathe Tooling
1630RX 3/4″
1630HS-RX 3/4″
1845RX 3/4″ or 1″
2470RX 1″

Coolant supplied at each tool. Not available for the 30120RX.

VIDEO: TRAK® Turrets Overview

4 Station Turret

4 Station Turret

TRAK CNC turrets are designed, engineered and manufactured at our corporate headquarters in Southern California.

Lathe Tooling
1630RX 3/4″
1630HS-RX 3/4″
1845RX 3/4″ or 1″
2470RX 1″

NOW AVAILABLE: Optional boring bar/drill holder kits are available for the 4 station turret for either 3/4″ or 1″ tooling.

The 4-station turret is not available for the 30120RX.

VIDEO: TRAK® Turrets Overview
VIDEO: 4 Station Turret Inspection



Optional on 1630RX and 1630HS-RX lathes. Standard on all other models.

Tooling Kit

Tooling Kit

Dorian® tooling kits make tool changes quick and easy. Repeatable to .001″. The kits include:

  • (1) Quick change tool post
  • (4) Square tool holders for turning, facing and boring
  • (1) Boring tool holder (1″ holder for the 3/4″ kit, 1.25″ holder for the 1″ kit)
  • (1) Morse taper holder (MT4)
  • (1) T-slot nut
Lathe Tooling
1630RX 3/4″
1630HS-RX 3/4″
1845RX 3/4″ or 1″
2470RX 1″
30120RX 1-1/4″


Lathe Diameter
1630RX 14″
1630HS-RX 14″
1845RX 14″
2470RX 20″
3060RX 30″
30120RX 30″
Follow Rest

Follow Rest

Lathe Diameter Type
1630RX 5″ Solid Brass Nib
1630HS-RX 5″ Solid Brass Nib
1845RX 3.94″ Solid Brass Nib
2470RX 6.5″ Solid Brass Nib
3060RX 0.79 - 7.87″ Solid Brass Nib
30120RX 0.79 - 7.87″ Solid Brass Nib
Steady Rest

Steady Rest

Lathe Diameter Type
1630RX .500 to 5.5″ Roller
1630HS-RX .500 to 5.5″ Roller
1845RX 0.4 to 7.87″ Roller
2470RX 1.5 to 8″ Roller
Remote Stop/Go Switch for Enhanced Safety

Remote Stop/Go Switch for Enhanced Safety

A hand-held switch to stop and continue program run.

Work Lamp

Work Lamp

Bright, long-lasting LED work lamp with industrial-grade mount.

Limit Switches

Limit Switches

Switches and brackets are set for maximum travel limits. Tripping the switch will cause the servo motors to shut down.

TRAK<sup>®</sup> USB Memory

TRAK® USB Memory

The USB Memory option consists of an industrial-grade Delkin® Thumb drive. This device is unsurpassed for reliability and speed of file access and is the storage of choice for our own software engineers.

VIDEO: Seamlessly Store Programs with TRAK® USB Memory

Extended Warranty

Extended Warranty

TRAK offers a 2 year extended warranty for this product.

Software Options

TRAKing<sup>®</sup> for RX Lathes

TRAKing® for RX Lathes

TRAKing of programs during program run, GO TO Dimension in DRO Mode.

VIDEO: TRAKing® Option Overview

CAM File Out Converter

CAM File Out Converter

Write, save and then run programs with RX Canned Cycle Events on Legacy ProtoTRAK controls in either .CAM Events or .GCD format.

Auxiliary Output

Auxiliary Output

Programmable output signal.

Offline Programming - ProtoTRAK RX

Offline Programming - ProtoTRAK RX

  • ProtoTRAK RX user interface for Windows® PC
  • Program parts and simulate CNC Run
  • Modify files from current and former ProtoTRAK models

VIDEO: Learn to Install ProtoTRAK Offline Software

DXF Converter

DXF Converter

  • Import and convert CAD data into ProtoTRAK programs
  • DXF or DWG files
  • Chaining
  • Automatic Gap Closing
  • Layer control
  • Part alignment
  • Feature analysis (circle/arc radius and position)
  • Simple CAD construction/editing tools
  • DXF-output capability
  • Easy, prompted process you can do right at the machine
Advanced Features

Advanced Features

  • Verify Make Part – solid model graphics of programmed toolpath
  • Event Comments
  • G-code editor
  • Thread Repair
  • Clipboard
  • Gang Tool setup
  • Custom Thread event
  • Tap event
  • Search Edit


The TRAK MTConnect option enables customers to add MTConnect functionality quickly and easily to their machines, so that machine data can be collected using the standard MTConnect protocol.

  • Machine networking through ethernet connection or USB Wi-Fi adapter
  • Collect machine data throughout shop
  • Monitor machine status, receive notifications and analyze data throughout your machines’ history

3rd party software not included.

VIDEO: MTConnect® Option Overview


TRAK RX Series Toolroom Lathes Overview featuring the TRL 1845RX
TRAK TRL 1630RX Lathe featuring the ProtoTRAK RLX
TRAK TRL 30120RX Lathe Overview
8-Station Turret for TRAK Long Travel Lathes
Introducing the TRL 30120RX Gap Bed Lathe | ProtoTRAK RLX


TRAK TRL 1630RX Lathe Front View
  • Swing Over Bed: 16″
  • Distance Between Centers: 30″
  • Spindle Through Hole: 2.12″
  • Spindle Speed Range RPM: 150 - 2,500
TRAK TRL 1630HS-RX Lathe Front View
  • Swing Over Bed: 16″
  • Distance Between Centers: 30″
  • Spindle Through Hole: 1.57″
  • Spindle Speed Range RPM: 150 - 4,000
TRAK TRL 1845RX Lathe Front View
  • Swing Over Bed: 18″
  • Distance Between Centers: 45″
  • Spindle Through Hole: 2.36″
  • Spindle Speed Range RPM: 80 - 850, 250 - 2,500
TRAK TRL 3060RX Lathe Front View
  • Swing Over Bed: 33″
  • Distance Between Centers: 60″
  • Spindle Through Hole: 6.3″
  • Spindle Speed Range RPM: 20 - 415, 40 - 1,300
TRAK TRL 30120RX Lathe Front View
  • Swing Over Bed: 33″
  • Distance Between Centers: 118″
  • Spindle Through Hole: 6.30″
  • Spindle Speed Range RPM: 20 - 415, 40 - 1,300